
DMI News | LGFV Offshore Bond Opportunities

July 16, 2024Dealing Matrix International
“Multiple LGFV Dim Sum Bonds Yield Higher Than USD Bonds in H1 2024, Guangzhou Metro Still a Buy”

DMI News 16 July 2024——


Overview of LGFV offshore bond Issuance in H1 2024:
1) The issuance volume for LGFV USD bonds and Dim Sum bonds reached USD 9.5 billion and RMB 89 billion, respectively.
2) Issuance yield indicate that Dim Sum bond issuers generally have weaker credit quality compared to USD bond issuers.
3) Major provinces issuing LGFV USD bonds include Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangxi, and Jiangsu, while Shandong , Sichuan, Fujian, and Hunan lead in Dim Sum bond issuance.
4) Onshore LGFV bond issuance growth has slowed significantly, while offshore issuance windows are expected to tighten due to stringent regulations.


HSBC’s investment outlook:
1) Reiterate the perspective on buying GUAMET'25, and recognizing Guangzhou Metro as a quality issuer within the sector.
2) Maintains overweight ratings on Beijing Infrastructure Investment, Guangzhou Metro and Wuhan Metro, and a neutral rating on Fujian Zhanglong Group.
Closed the buy strategy on YWSOAO'25 due to its imminent maturity date.


汇丰7月12日研报对比上半年城投离岸发行情况,并重申针对广州地产 GUAMET’25 的买入观点。











本次,汇丰重申针对 GUAMET’25 的买入观点,同时评价广州地铁为板块内优质主体。其依据包括,发行人是广州唯一的地铁运营商;所在地广州是省会城市;是当地系统重要性主体;是本地公共交通的关键一环。汇丰认为,广州地铁短端债务压力不大,长端债务背后有当地政府支持。




汇丰本次关闭了针对义乌国资 YWSOAO’25 的买入策略,原因是债项已临近到期日。汇丰目前针对义乌国资主体的评价仍为增持,原因包括当地经济体量大且负债率相对较低;而发行人虽然杠杆较高,但作为当地最大的城投平台,可以持续得到政府支持。

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